Gynecomastia Surgery for Gynecomastia Cure – Take a Simple Solution to an Embarrassing Problem

Gynecomastia Surgery for Gynecomastia Cure – Take a Simple Solution to an Embarrassing Problem

Some men develop enlarged breasts due to genetics, the use of certain medicines. This condition is known as Gynecomastia can present itself at any age. Male breast reduction can be carried out successfully and safely on adult males and teenagers alike. The price of this procedure can range from 1000 to 3000 U.S. dollars. This is just an estimate because the actual Gynecomastia surgery cost is determined by the medical facility where the procedure will be carried out and the surgeon performing it.

The higher grades cases of Gynecomastia can be treated through the removal of breast tissue and liposuction. If you have sagging or stretched skin around your breasts, this approach could be suitable. Tissue excision enables the cosmetic surgeon to eliminate a great amount of glandular tissue that cannot be removed with liposuction alone.

The length and location of incisions depend on the extent of tissue that needs to be removed. Typically, surgeons perform the incisions around the edges of the areola or within the chest’s natural creases(rarely). A qualified cosmetic surgeon will make sure that the incisions are made in the best spots so that the scars, which result are inconspicuous.

In most cases, cosmetic surgeons in Mumbai perform male breast reduction as an day care procedure using local or general anesthesia. After undergoing this procedure, it is normal to experience some soreness or swelling. Most patients are ready to return to their normal duties 3 to 5 days after surgery. You can begin exercising gradually after a few weeks.

After undergoing Gynecomastia surgery you will notice an improvement in the appearance and shape of your chest. Although you may feel sore for several days, the pain is often minimal. Your surgeon is likely to prescribe some pain relievers, but you can also use non-prescription pain medication. If the surgeon recommends that you wear a compression garment, make sure that you wear it. This garment will help you remain comfortable and help your chest to heal in an optimal way. After this procedure, some people experience loss of sensation in the areas around the breast, but this is usually temporary.

The results of male breast reduction are permanent. The glandular tissues, excess fat, and skin, which are removed, are gone for good. However, you should maintain a healthy lifestyle. Some of the factors that can cause a recurrence of Gynecomastia include steroid use,extreme weight gain or specific medications. In addition, the drugs that affect testosterone levels may also affect your results. A skilled and board certified cosmetic surgeon such as Dr. Parag Vibhakar can inform you what to do in order to maintain the outcome of this procedure for the long term.

Dr. Parag Vibhakar has performed Gynecomastia surgery successfully for more than a decade. He has worked in the field of reconstructive and plastic surgery since the year 2004. Due to his experience, Dr. Vibhakar is now a master of body sculpting. He will contour your chest to make it appear flat, natural and masculine.

Male breast reduction is the right solution for men who have Gynecomastia. This procedure will make them feel confident about theirappearance. The ideal way to know your options is consulting with our competent cosmetic surgeon.

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