Author Archives: dharm_anki

Breast Reduction Surgery for Men – Aesthetic and Health Benefits

The first benefit of male breast reduction surgery in Mumbai is that it improves your confidence and increases your self-esteem. If you have gynecomastia you could become insecure about your own body. That, in turn, can lead to depression as well. There is a high chance of this happening. The problem with this issue is that it cannot be resolved by making a few lifestyle changes. When your chest is flatter and firmer it increases in an instant your self-esteem. In case you have been suffering from gynecomastia for long this is helpful indeed. When your chests are flatter you are able to wear fitted clothing that looks good on you as well.

You have more of a masculine physique

This is one of the biggest benefits of male breast reduction surgery in Mumbai. If as a man someone says your body is like that of a woman it is not a compliment at all. The problem is that if you suffer from gynecomastia you would be made to feel like someone whose physique is not at par with the male gender. With the help of male breast reduction surgery, the extra fatty tissue would be removed from your chests and they would become a lot flatter as well.

It makes doing physical activity easier

When you have a big chest with a lot of fatty tissue it can make most of the physical activities uncomfortable. This is where male breast reduction surgery in Mumbai can play such a major role. Not only would you find it more difficult to perform exercises such as jumping and running, but they would cause you plenty of embarrassment as well. Women with such condition can take recourse to athletic bras that are designed to keep their breasts in place and stop the pain when they are working out but men do not have any such option.

It improves your posture

When your chests are substantial your posture can be affected in a bad way as a result. In such a condition your upper spine could become rounder and it can lose its shape as well. This is why you need male breast reduction surgery in Mumbai to address the situation properly. If you do not address the problem it can become worse. With the passage of time, the hump can become an everlasting one and you can start suffering from chronic spinal pain as well. Yet another bad effect of such a condition is that your core becomes weaker as well.

It frees your mind
More than anything else, male breast reduction surgery in Mumbai helps you achieve a more positive mindset because of your improved physical shape and health. Normally, if you think too much about your body it can fill your mind with bad thoughts only. In fact, if you have gynecomastia there is a good chance that you can have really high levels of anxiety and that too at all times! You are always busy thinking of the right dress since you are worried about hiding your male breasts and appearing more presentable.

Male Breast Reduction Treatment Choices You Should Be Familiar With

Male Breast Reduction Treatment Choices You Should Be Familiar With

There are two main ways in which male breasts can be reduced – liposuction and tissue excision.

What is liposuction?

Liposuction seems to be the most obvious option out there as far as treating gynecomastia is concerned. Much of this is because of the advancements that have happened in this particular technology over the years. Thanks to said improvement it is now possible to have a greater selection of techniques that are a lot less invasive. The skill of the surgeon also plays a major role over here. This is why it is so important that you choose a surgeon who has received proper training in such a form of surgery.
The concerned surgeon should also have proper experience in having performed such surgeries earlier on.

What is tissue excision?

In the cases of gynecomastia, which are more severe, surgical tissue excision may be needed to get the best possible results. If you have sagging and stretched skin in and around your chest area you would need this surgery as well. With the help of tissue excisions, the cosmetic surgeon would be able to remove a lot of glandular skin or tissue. Normally these are parts that cannot be removed by liposuction only. The length and location of the incision are usually dependent on the extent of surgical work that is necessary in these cases. In most cases, the surgery happens along the areola’s edge and the natural creases of your chest.

How is liposuction done?

In these cases, local anesthesia along with sedation is used. This is also applicable for gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai. The other such option in this regard would be general anesthesia. The surgeons, in this case, make small incisions on each side of your chest. The location could either be within your armpit or a part of the edge of your areola. It all depends on your requirements as well as the kind of techniques that the surgeon normally uses.

It is through these incisions that the surgeon removes the extra fat, as well as glandular tissue. At the same time, through this operation, the surgeon also sculpts a new contour for your chest that would seem to be natural for your body.

The recovery process from these surgeries

The recovery process following gynecomastia surgery is rather tolerable. In these cases, you would receive a compression garment that you would have to wear during the first couple of weeks after the surgery. This makes sure that there is not much swelling and your healing tissues get some support as well. Normally for around 3 weeks, the doctors would not allow you to take part in any strenuous exercise. But, it has been seen that it does not take more than a few days for most to get back to their normal lives.

In such cases, you need to understand that there is no uniform period for healing from such a surgical procedure. Your pace of healing would be a unique one. Nowadays you get gynecomastia surgery in Mumbai as well.

Results you should expect after a Gynecomastia Surgery

Results you should expect after a Gynecomastia Surgery

Once you have undergone gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai you should be able to see an improvement straightaway in the shape of your chest as well as how it appears. Normally, after such a surgery there is some swelling. However, once that subsides you should see some significant improvement in this case as well. Normally, your final physique comes to fruition within 3 to 6 months of the surgery. It is true that for some days you would feel some pain. However, the pain is expected to be minimal. In some cases, some pain medication would be prescribed by your cosmetic surgeon but in most cases, you would see that over the counter options are more than sufficient to ease the pain.

If the surgeon gives you a compression garment you should definitely wear it. This will make sure that you stay as comfortable after such an operation, and it would support your new chest contour as well. At the same time, it would help your chest get better in an optimal manner as well.

How well would you heal?

You need to keep in mind in this context that all patients have their own pace of healing. However, most of the time, it has been seen that patients are ready to resume work and natural lives only a few days following the surgery. Nevertheless, in this regard, a lot also depends on the kind of work that they do. In some cases, you may feel a loss of sensation in the areas that have been treated in the gynecomastia surgery in Mumbai but this is always temporary in nature. Such sensation normally comes back over the course of the months that follow the surgery.

In these cases, it is normal to have scars in spite of the best efforts of your surgeon. However, you can be sure that with the passage of time these would fade as well. Depending on the kind of procedure that has been followed in your case it is not unusual to experience some surgical drain. This is done in order to remove the additional fluid and blood that has accumulated in the area that has been operated upon. More often than not the period of recovery from such a surgical process happens to be a gentle one. A lot also depends on the extent to which you follow the instructions of your surgeon.

How to maintain the improved shape of your chest?

The results of these surgeries are supposed to be permanent in nature. These surgeries are capable of reducing all the extra fat, skin, and glandular tissue from your affected area. However, you have a certain responsibility in this regard as well and this is where maintaining a healthy lifestyle becomes so very important in every sense of the word. If you gain significant weight again or consume steroids then the problem could recur again. In certain drugs that affect the levels of testosterone in your body can affect the results as well. You can be sure that you would get the best advice in this regard from a certified and experienced surgeon.

Common Treatable Areas of Liposuction Surgery

The desire to look good is very strong in humans. You can take care of your body and your appearance in several ways; getting regular grooming, eating healthy and exercising. In some cases, however, people develop excess fatty deposits which can be extremely hard, near impossible to get rid of. In those cases, patients often opt for liposuction surgery. Read more »

Get Your Masculine Look Back With Gynecomastia Treatment For Flatter And Firmer Chest

Get Your Masculine Look Back With Gynecomastia Treatment For Flatter And Firmer Chest

Gynecomastia is a condition where breasts get enlarge in adult men due to excessive growth of tissue. The breasts of a normal man have adipose and glandular tissue that is localized under the nipple in a small lump. The growth of the glandular tissue is the condition termed as gynecomastia. Read more »

Liposuction Surgery – A leading option for getting rid of man breasts.

Liposuction Surgery – A leading option for getting rid of man breasts.

Gynecomastia is a common problem today for men and many have undergone the shaming experiences in their lives. Hence, to overcome those episodes of life and feel more confident men have undergone liposuction for treating gynecomastia condition. Liposuction technology is not new but it has been derived and advanced every year with better research, experiences and implementation. If you are looking for the best and reliable liposuction for gynecomastia cost of which is reasonable, visit Headed by Dr. Vibhakar and other experienced and high profile cosmetic surgeons. The clinic is solely dedicated to delivering high quality and high-standard treatment options where one can completely get rid of the Male breast in a matter of just a few days.

Let us go deeper into understanding the actual treatment for Gynecomastia cure with Liposuction. Many men face the embarrassment of their enlarged breasts and for years they face ridicule not having the confidence to wear fitting clothes. They try to hide their chest by wearing loose clothes and some also lose their original posture by being bent all time. Gynecomastia surgery is pretty much affordable and it’s a low liposuction for gynecomastia cost but many people feel that since it’s a cosmetic surgery it may be too costly to afford.

There is a good demand for Cosmetic surgeons and most of them specialize in liposuction since that is much in demand. Gynecomastia cure offers good facilities and treatment for treating this condition where you start seeing results as soon as the surgery is performed. There have been greater advancements in liposuction; the technology is less invasive one. Surgeon’s skills and experiences play a vital role while providing surgical effects to the patients.

The procedure for low liposuction for gynecomastia cost is affordable for many people who are looking to have great confidence levels in their lives. The process involves a small incision on each side of the chest. Based on the needs and processes followed, the surgeon performs incisions along the edge of the areola or within the armpits. With the incision made, the surgeon can extract the excess fat or glandular tissue. After extraction, they sculpt a new chest contour that looks very natural to the body shape. After the surgery recovering is easy, patients are given compressive garment to wear for few weeks. It helps to minimize the swelling and gives healing to surgical incision.

There are several types of treatments available for treating gynecomastia; in severe cases, it requires surgical tissue excision to give optimum results. Patients with sagging skin often require this type of surgical method. Excision helps the cosmetic surgeon for removing glandular tissue that cannot be ideally extracted through liposuction method. Any gynecomastia method must give an immediate effect and show improvement in the shape of the breasts. The swelling will go gradually with the proper dressing of the chest and medicines.
Liposuction is one of the best options for males having breast enlargement issues and mainly this problem is arising due to excessive fats, hereditary or changing lifestyles. One can improve the appearance and see the change and confidence in the body of the person undergoing Gynecomastia treatment. Liposuction method is used for several other parts of the body like abdomen, cheek, flanks, chin, etc.

Liposuction is one of the best options for males having breast enlargement issues and mainly this problem is arising due to excessive fats, hereditary or changing lifestyles. One can improve the appearance and see the change and confidence in the body of the person undergoing Gynecomastia treatment. Liposuction method is used for several other parts of the body like abdomen, cheek, flanks, chin, etc.

What are the factors that affect the cost of Gynecomastia surgery?

What are the factors that affect the cost of Gynecomastia surgery?

Gynecomastia is a condition in which male breasts enlarge due to many factors like lifestyle living, hereditary, etc. Hence, today many men go for gynecomastia surgery in which the breast is reduced to look like a normal chest of any men without any bulge. There are many factors for which males go for this type of surgery, some people face a lot of embarrassment and become a thing for fun to tease, etc. But now they do not have to worry with promising and cost effective gynecomastia surgery cost in Mumbai. People who were ever dreaming of getting this surgery done can get it done without any hidden costs.

While you are looking forward to getting done your gynecomastia surgery, it is highly important to go for a good professional doctor who can treat the problem well. Dr. Parag Vibhakar has been in this industry for last several years and has successfully completed a lot of such surgeries. The cost is minimal as compared to what other doctors’ charge in the same industry. Mumbai is the place where people think about reliable doctors and hospitals. Dr. Parag’s clinic is highly recommended that has low gynecomastia liposuction cost surgery. He is a board certified plastic and cosmetic surgeon having a special interest in different cosmetic surgeries. His expertise is in the field of body contouring, liposuction, facial rejuvenation, breast cosmetic surgery and Rhinoplasty.

Gynecomastia Cure is one of the finest clinics to avail low gynecomastia treatment cost. To get breast surgery done with reliable treatment is very difficult to find these days, Dr Vibhakar clinic is well known in this industry and people from far off places come to this clinic for the treatment. He has extensive training and knowledge in Plastic and cosmetic surgery, he has been practising along with renowned master surgeon in India and Abroad. Dr. Vibhakar is a very well known in the industry where cosmetic surgery comes into the picture. Having attained Masters in Surgery and Plastic surgery from Topiwala National Medical College and Nair hospital, he has truly mastered the skills and knowledge for the same.

Now, let us discuss how much does gynecomastia liposuction cost and how it is the best effective methods to treat enlarge breasts.

So before beginning with it, one must understand that Gynecomastia surgery is a cosmetic surgery and hence it requires special surgeons those having skills. gynecomastia surgery cost in Mumbai highly depends on varied aspects of the practice and to what extent the surgery needs to be performed. Some cases, patients may find the difference in cost with the same practice. Listed below are the prime focused points where the cost factor for the surgery matters:

a. The location – the location can reflect overall cost of the surgery, it depends on the cost of living at geographical locations.
b. The Fee of the Cosmetic surgeon – It is an important component for realizing the cost of the surgery. Surgeons are highly mastered and skilled and they are at different levels of experience. Higher the qualification and experience higher the fees.
c. Nature of the surgery and to what extent it is needed is also an important driving factor determining the cost.

Now You Won’t Be Embarrassed Of Man Breasts With GynecomastiaCure

Now You Won’t Be Embarrassed Of Man Breasts With GynecomastiaCure

Gynecomastia is a condition that causes the glandular tissue in the breasts of men and boys to become enlarged, leading to nipple tenderness or discomfort. This condition is usually the result of hormonal imbalances and typically takes place during adolescence, infancy and mid to late life. It often subsides on its own. However, some cases of gynecomastia are persistent and require treatment.

The factors that determine if a person should undergo gynecomastia treatment for men include his age, overall health, the extent of the condition, medical history and preferences. Others include future prognosis or expectations and tolerance to specific therapies such as surgical procedures and medications.

One of the ways to treat gynecomastia is through suction lipectomy. It is a type of liposuction that provides the surgeon with the capability to taper the edges of breast tissue without the patient having to experience unpleasant side effects. Gynecomastia liposuction is less invasive than the other surgical procedures used to treat this condition.

Another treatment for gynecomastia in men is endoscopic surgery. It is less invasive than open surgery. Surgeons perform it by inserting an endoscope into the skin in order to examine the inside of the breast. This method of surgery allows for the removal of breast tissue without having to make a big surgical incision.

In severe cases of gynecomastia, surgeons can perform an open surgical procedure. They make a moderate incision in the breast tissue and then remove the excess skin and tissue. Surgery is usually not recommended in adolescents until puberty is completed. The reason for this is that regrowth of the breast tissue can occur if the surgery is carried out before puberty is complete.

The extent of surgery is based on the severity of the condition and whether the excess fatty tissue is present. A combination of liposuction and surgical removal of the glandular tissue is often used to treat gynecomastia in men. Advances in cosmetic surgery techniques make it possible to treat the condition without leaving unpleasant scars on the chest.

If you have gynecomastia, you should seek assistance from a board certified surgeon such as Dr. Parag A. Vibhakar. Dr. Vibhakar has a special interest in a number of cosmetic surgeries like facial rejuvenation, liposuction and body contouring, breast cosmetic surgery, and rhinoplasty. He is also a competent maxillofacial, trauma, burns and hand surgeon.

Dr. Vibahakar has performed more than one hundred procedures for gynecomastia. These procedures range from excision of the gynecomastia gland to liposuction. These procedures offer a long lasting and instant reduction of the breasts. If you have an unequal chest, Dr. Vibakhar can correct it so that you will have a flat chest.

It is possible to correct any size of male breasts. If you want, you can undergo liposuction of the belly at the same time you are undergoing gynecomastia surgery. When you come to the practice of Dr. Vibakhar, in order to get treatment of gynecomastia in males, you can rest assured that you will have a good outcome due to his mastery of the keyhole technique of gynecomastia treatment. You will have a flat chest that is free from scars in about two hours. This procedure can be performed in the morning and you will be ready to go home in the evening. You can return to work a few days after the procedure.

Gynecomastia Cure- Get Rid Of Man Breast Forever

Gynecomastia Cure- Get Rid Of Man Breast Forever

Gynecomastia refers to enlarged breasts in male. The main causes of this condition are thought to be fluctuating hormones, obesity, genetics and use of some drugs. While overgrown breasts do not hurt, they are so embarrassing and uncomfortable. Only a few victims can bear having big breasts and those who do have to endure some degree of teasing and mockery from people. If you have this problem, the right thing is to end it. The most effective way to get rid of man breasts is to do a surgery.

If you don’t know if you have this condition, visit us today. is the best answer to your problem. Our doctors will examine your chest and make a diagnosis. You will be a good candidate for gynecomastia treatment in Mumbai if you are found to have excess localized fat, excess glandular tissue development or excess breast skin. The presence of these can be in one breast or both breasts. In either case, our highly educated, certified and licensed surgeon will help you.

What is surgery all about?

Most human beings fear surgery and will only do it as the last resort. We would understand you, if you expressed the same degree of fear about gynecomastia surgery. There is nothing to worry about, though, as our doctor will do is to reduce your breast size, flatten your chest and improve your chest contours. He will remove excess breast tissue as if it gets too heavy, it could make your breasts sag and stretch your areola. Our qualified surgeon will carry out the mammaplasty procedure based on their diagnosis.

About the cost

This being a new gyno treatment in town, we do our best to make it as affordable as possible. As a team, we have an aim to help as many men as possible. Thus, we are always motivated and passionate about our work. Our fees may include but not limited to anesthesia fees, clinic, and surgical facility costs, medical tests, post-surgery nursing, prescriptions and surgery fee. To learn more about our surgical fees, give us a call. Our board-certified plastic surgeon will have an appointment with you to discuss everything about the scary procedure. In the end, you will learn that the surgery is less invasive and easy to cope with.

Our services are designed for all male victims

If you feel hesitant, we could understand the reasons why. The most advisable thing to do, however, is to speak to us as we offer the best gynecomastia surgery. We will arrange a meeting with the doctor who will operate on your breast tissue. Both of you will have a meeting in which you will discuss everything that will transpire. It is important that you are a non-smoker and a non-drug user. If you don’t have a life-threatening medical condition that could impair the healing process, we want to hear from you. In fact, we would advise you to talk about your medical background so our surgeon can decide if they can do a gynecomastia surgery on you. Additionally, our clinic’s doors are ever open to men who have tried alternative medicine in vain. Surgery is the ultimate solution as it has more permanent results. Even if you have normal weight or are obese, our treatment plan is for you. This includes men whose breasts have enlarged but have stopped for now or those who want to improve their self-confidence. Everyone is welcome.